Slipping the Death Grip of Monetary & Fiscal Policy Schitzie-ditsies & Avuncular Storytellers on Behalf of Grown-ups Whose Brains Do Not Tick Loudly

Imagine that: sunbeams, lollipops, rainbows AND unicorns.

Oh those greenie-hater Team Australia loonies of the Noughties, Anthony Albanese’s 2013 “infrastructure mates,” those frankly weird/ electrode-wired/ parallel mental-galaxy turgid skin-crawling #abc television’s “Utopia” people, those dead-creepy “On Your Side” #global #weather #systems smashers and “Resist and Denounce the ingrates, whingers & China” cookers, those failed #showbiz-, #entertainmentindustry-, #royalty-, and #popular wooden anodyne #psychology-driven vaguely-but-alas-not-convincingly-literate AI’d*** spell-checked predictively-texted Supply Siders with their Michael Somare era – or James Marape the present evangelical Christian witchcraft & street-rape guy – Papua Niugini electoral cargo cult B-a-a-a-a-r-n-by Joyce Retail Politics replete with stuff off the world’s supermarket shelves & McDonnell Douglas, Westinghouse, General Electric, Boeing and Wartsila Finland huge variously muffled loud bang-bang fuel-burning machies to fulfill all the lazy-arsed passive-consumer desires (& ??lusts) of cognitively impaired &/or congenitally deranged aspirational upper middle-income people, whose marionettes & string-puppets call all the public shots in this frankly bewildering very-very-late neoliberalism mentally-disordered Jimmy Carter era fake-Voltairean explicitly Friedmanite “defend to the death your right to incite slaughter, mass starvation, nuclear warfare.. era the name of libert-aryanism, egalit-aryanism and really cool sweat-lodge tough-mudder paint-ball cross-burning adventure-island Golding’s-1954-Lord-of-the-Flies broederbond fraternity, Friedmanite/ No Judgment/ No Government-Interference-in-Markets Mediaeval Priapocracy or Phallocracy: mentally, spiritually and figuratively in vile 16th century Cromwellian stocks or dangling from jibbets*, with late #primaryschool prepubescent 1970s #psychiatry‘s object-relations, UTTERLY bereft of Piagetian full adult-capacity #concrete #operations, critical thinking, contextualising, de-literalising meanings or unpacking – or at least laughing at incongruous, discordanty or dissonant – metaphors, swept away to social irelevance and ignominy and PERMANENTLY LOCKED OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS~ by their belligerent machismo refusal to even accept that PTSD is a medical condition, most likely never having even heard of Bessel van der Kolk** or Pierre Janet’s 75 year-old scientific explanation of disocciation, how it actually unravels personhood and its mentally crippling effects: so indeed there these meme-, cliche-, catchcry-, 50 y-o Johnny Farnham song- & slogan-laden both-sidesist story telling confabulators and rhetoricians sit, or rather blob about, from aeroplane ride to aeroplane ride, from newsmedia conference to newsmedia conference, fiercely honouring Ken Burns’s (The Civil War, The West, 1990s) Narrative Drive and legendary balance in a supposed debating chamber – the Australian Parliament – Jesus wept – or on skynewsme, SKYTV et set era, who still to this day have THE LATE GREAT AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY IN A DEATH-GRIP.

Indeed the more I poke fun at them the more they dig their Enrich-the-rich-but-screw-the-middle-class-Josh-Frydenberg heels in, the money they are on is evidently that flash. ..Stanley Melborne Bruce 1923 – 1929 the Nationalist Party, or mad pastor Shouty 2018 – 2022, take your pick, Mick/ Michaelia.

Get rid of these fools please. Today would be the best day and it is crystal-clear from current knowledge of global geophysical terrestrial atmospheric oceanic & weather-systems functioning symbolically the ONLY day available to us. – At least if the broad political class (every household on more than $85 – 90,000 a year after-tax income) could ease up rabbiting on about syphilis & 12 year-old Pacifica girls man Cap’n James Cook Royal Navy this January that would be a start on talking things that actually matter and will determine whether the infant born today lives past 35.

I know I am like a dog with a bone but too bad, my job is to fight for human futures or I have no job, but how utterly bewildering it is that 9 of 10 adult Australians have NO IDEA of the hazard to life on earth, all life on earth (tropical thru savannah sub tropical thru temperate thru cool thru cold belts of latitude) of excessive solar radiation. Excessive UVR has been on an upcurve sice I first wrote about it in August 1994, when as the cloud aerosols started to give way to blue summer skies over Antarctica and everywhere south of say latitude 25 degrees south we some of us thought uh-oh this is ozone depletion. And since then? Almost every year ludicrous lies from government, corrupt universities and billion-dollar authorities like the AAD, BoM, CSIRO and Chief fake Scientists whose brief from #Fossilfuels corporations and organised crime cartels has been to say nothing important or even factual and has been so ever since I first heard of a ‘chief scientist’ 40-odd years ago – and he was a loquacious Australian in Pom-land being lionised by Robyn Williams the #ABC Seance Shoah dude.~~

So yes, let’s please get on with the work cut out for us and reject the utterly dysfunctional literally bloody pantomime of strategic electoral jockeying public relations performative display, ceremony, announcement, advertising promotion & ludicrous in fact lethally dangerous focus-group & consumer opinion poll government.

John Blundell, Political Leadership Australia – no Grattan, no Lowy, no ASPI, no National War Museum theme-park, no IPA, no sex-romps a la Ayn Rand Alan Greenspan Nathaniel Branden – NO SLOPPY SECONDS or indeed any men’s rapine enthusiasms – NO oil economy corrupted- and criminally irresponsible-“#science” and an immediate worldwide end to neokeynesian chat & ‘Thunberg’ blather concerning the econometric monetary billionaire cabal’s delights, interest rates, wages, rates of employment, the money supply, untenable fictive derivative credits/ offsets that have no connect whatever with reducing global meltdown hazard per excessive terrestrial solar radiation, taking ZERO acccount of public and ecological health, let alone the United Nations’ now utterly fanciful development goals’ promotions & its advertising slogan #ESG

South Australia, the rest of the country and all points beyond – we’re with you. And have never in our lives fought so hard

* A gibbet /ˈdΚ’ΙͺbΙͺt/ is any instrument of public execution (including guillotine, executioner’s block, impalement stake, hanging gallows, or related scaffold). Gibbeting is the use of a gallows-type structure from which the dead or dying bodies of criminals were hanged on public display to deter other existing..

~in traditional and indigenous society as is now clear in functional operational neuroscience (that is POST-NEUROPLASTICITY neurolinguistics not the wooden bio-mechanical Alan Turing mental calculus & busy little neuronal micro-geographical centres for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, feeling, effing, effing effing, effing, emoting & obviously the joy of defecation) the other side of consciousness, or kuta ngulu in the central Australian Arrrente landguage (whoops, not) is hesitation, pondering, reflection and creative – or yes self-hazarding – ideation. Other side ideation is generated in the right cerebral hemisphere of right-handed mammals. “Right-side,” in central Australian people who’ve grown up with, or into, our old people’s language refers to the law and the material – real time, if you like.

** The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Body and Mind in the Healing of Trauma – from 30 years of work, 2014, USA

~~ lower (troposheric)-, mid-, upper atmosphere CHFC gases and at least 4 other indusrty-generated gases research AND the NASA observations of the hot air updraft of November 2019 over Antarctica exactly when Australia began to burn 24 million hectares, 3,000 homes & 3 billion animals and related complex weather system changes that probably cannot be reversed for say 350 years is incredibly sophisticated, multi-faceted and dramatically variable in different seasons at different latitudes, and – as i have noted at the commencement of this note – altitudes above Earth. Any civilisation that tries to reduce this superb research to some lunatic kiddie cartoon push-me-pull-you dialectical good-bad zero-sum game flatly condemns itself to the rubbish bin of human history

Sun Cable proposal was a billionaires’ β€˜ego project’

***doi: Photo: ‘ChatGPT: Optimising Language Models for Dialogue’ Nature13012023 : “AI Generated Abstracts Fool Scientists”

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